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Current situation of coronavirus
In the picture what are you watching? You can see in the picture that the USA has the highest affected people and also has the most death people and it is the current situation of the USA. Nowadays everybody is saying that why the USA is getting more affected people than any other countries and another question is how much time it will take to get rid of the coronavirus? So, First of all, please see the picture? What did you see? In the picture, you saw that I have highlighted the number of tests of USA and India. Because see carefully that the USA has tested more than 3 crore people and then you can see that India which is the biggest country of the world by its population only tested 90 lakh which is the half and less of USA tests. You can also see that there is no other country which is even closure to the USA by testing position and Even Brazil where the virus is increasing not get cross the 30 lakhs only. If you see all countries then you can see everybody has the same position where tested people are very less than the USA. So, it is the main reason why the USA is getting more corona affected people and I can assure that the USA will get rid of coronavirus very soon because of their testing because there is only one rule in the coronavirus situation "The more you test. The more you get rid of this virus". 
Now I am going to answer the second question when we will get rid of this virus? I think Nowadays It has become the most difficult question because no one knows or can assume this answer to this question. Because you can see in the picture that India has tested many less than other countries and when India test like the USA daily 1 million people then the real number of affected people will be revealed and there are other countries like African countries, Asian countries which has the highest rate of affecting people will also can the real situation of affecting people. So when we isolate all the coronavirus affected people then we can easily get rid of this virus and there is another thing which is Vaccine, Yes whenever we discover the vaccine we can easily get rid of this virus by using this Vaccine. But it is also undefined when the vaccine will come to market. Mainly there are 12 countries right now which are demanding that they have got a positive result after applying the vaccine in the animal and man's body. But it has not proved 100% yet. The latest country is Bangladesh which is demanding that they have successfully tested the vaccine in the animal body and get a positive result and other countries are Italy, China, Uk, Spain etc. But now all over the world, people have trusted in the MIT and Oxford vaccine because of their rare experiment and everybody will accept their Vaccine whenever they invent it. But without some countries, many countries are also depending on the vaccine of China because in the past China has also got a positive result in the invention of the vaccine so many countries also trust them. But it is also now Uncertain that when the vaccine will come to market. But the WHO saying that without waiting for Vaccine we should maintain the health privacy first to get rid of this virus. Only the health privacy can now save us from the virus which was said by the WHO and I personally think that it is absolutely true and It can call a type of vaccine. Nowadays it can be that life ours is in our hand because of the health regulation. Maintain the rule of health privacy and save yourself and without maintaining the health privacy get ready to die. 
Coronavirus, Mask, Infection, Virus, Disease

                                                           A doctor who fights with coronavirus

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