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Learn English

                             Importance of Learning English
Today all over the world English is spoken and I can easily say that English's value getting bigger and bigger and one day it will the second language of all the country of the world and as well as many countries will declare it as a first language of their nation. Now the question is why English become so famous and Why English is chosen for the communication language? First of all, we all know that the British people mainly invented English as a language and we all know that The British rule all over the world in the 18th century and as British they establish the language very popularly and as we know in the past British was the most developed nation and all over the world people have to communicate with British People that's why people engage with English but it is not the main reason why English become the official language of the world. I think that because of the easiness of English, The world leader consent to take English as an official language. Now somebody will say that who said English is easy and I will reply to them if you are weak in English it's your fault and you do not know the correct path of how to learn English. Many people I have seen they just memorize the grammar rules only and fear to speak in English that's why sometimes they become good at English grammar but their fluency in English not become strong. I had seen a man who learned English within 3 months and yes it is unbelievable but it is true. He just follows the step and maintains his regularity and he became good at English both speaking and writing. If anybody who reads this blog is not good at English that who doesn't understand English properly I will recommend him to study English more and more because without knowing English nowadays people are called illiterate. Suppose, You are a good mathematician and you have become the participant of the mathematic Olympiad then you have to know English because the question you solve in your language will be English in the math Olympiad, So now you can assume How important English language is!!!

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