The persons who are always inspiring us
Inspirational persons
Today I am going to show you some inspirational persons who are able to motivate us all the time and they show us that nothing is Impossible and Today we can do anything.First one is Barack Obama.
Barack Obama in the press conference
Barack Obama is the first black president in the USA and which brought him big respect as well as respect for the Black people all over the world. He is the person by whom which can know that nothing is impossible and if we have an Intense desire of anything then we can grab it very easily. There is no one who can snatch your dream. By knowing the biography of Obama we can say that his life was a full struggle before being the president of the USA. He has shown everyone that body colour is not the matter what is your work it is matter and being a president he proved that. Many people don't like Barack Obama for many reasons but we have to see the struggle or hard work of Obama because there is no man in the world who is totally perfect and it said that there is no one who is perfect so everybody has a lack of their own but you have to pass out the lack and being a successful person because without a successful person you will be called poke and we know that there is no one who likes a dawdler person so first of all, we do not need the dawdler title we need to establish in the society. Here mainly I do not give you the biography of Barack Obama because there are almost all people who are reading this blog are known about this man but with knowing the struggle of his life we even don't feel the moment because of many reasons but until we do not understand the people's hard work and the successful story, it is worth to know more about anybody's biography. If you know much about Barack Obama then I will recommend you to just follow the good sites of his and implement to your life and I am sure that it will benefit for you because the implementation is better than listening.
The second person who also inspires many like thousand of people all over the world is Nick Vujicic.
I think the reader of this blog probably know him. He is the man who born without limbs and he is the person who is rejected by his mother at the time of his born. By this line, you can easily understand that how much struggle he would have. And I think there are a few people who would be treated like him and having all these now he is a successful person and without any argue we can declare that he is a man with proud. Now listen, Think about him if he thought that I am lame duck so that nobody will like me and I would not capable for the world then what happened? Then the people of the world will not get known him because he would get hidden from the society but he didn't give his hope and he thinks in another way how to establish in society with proud and respect and he did this and today over millions of people are inspiring from him and daily the number of his fans are increasing. So, you have to try hard to be a successful person and you can see that the reality is around you.
The 3rd number person is Thomas Alva Edison who was the famous scientist all the era because he had the credit of having thousand of pattern and it was probably impossible for a scientist and having no higher education he mainly invented this and this helped him to reach the top of all. Whoever read science book would listen to the name of the scientist there are a few people who are engaged with the study would not know him. Because at the little age every people heard the name of this scientist in the book.
So, I think you the reader of this blog will know him very well and I am also not telling you the biography of this person because having listening biography of many people will let you get bore and I don't want this. So, I will talk about some incident which had happened to him and besides these incidents, he became successful in establishing himself as a great scientist. I remember an incident of his when he was young the headmaster of his school sent a message to his mother that he is not capable to study and his mother encouraged him telling that he has enormous knowledge and the school is not capable to teach him and we know that he was also the stuff of train station and he had to do a lot of hard work and by which he had become the most successful person. By listening to his story we have to learn that there is many people who always tries to take us in the last position but if we don't care those people and lead our life then it is easy to say that we will be going to our destiny.
The 4th and last person is Nicola Tesla and whoever knows Edison he might be also familiar with the name of Nicola Tesla and He also shows his hard work all over the world and because of his hard contribution we can now easily use this electronic device and there is no one who can deny his contributions but seeing his contribution we can't assume his hard work and his story because inventing AC current he had to do many jobs and he had to face much rejection and without giving his hope he tries and try and reach his destiny and you all know him now. But if he gives his hope to the persons who rejected him then he will never become successful and not become the famous inventor and he always try to help the people that's why now we can easily do many things with the help of Electricity. So, Not become hopeless keep up and doing your job and one day the destiny will come to you and you have to not work hard for going to destiny.
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